By making a property available you can play a part in ending homelessness in Wellington.
Our Housing First team can offer landlords a “no hassles” service - and you will be providing a whare for a person who really needs it.
If you are a landlord or property developer and have properties to rent, we would love to hear from you. We will find you tenants and manage your property, working with you in the following ways:
We guarantee the rent
We do not charge a monthly management fee
We work alongside tenants, visiting at least weekly to quickly address any problems
We take responsibility for your property, knowing the importance of cleanliness and maintenance
We lease properties for 1–10 years. The lease agreement is between the property owner and Emerge Aotearoa who are a CHP (Community Housing Provider) – then we sublet and support the tenant to turn the property into a home. We aim to provide long-term housing solutions for our people, as opposed to having different tenants live there for short periods of time.
We know the people we work with really well and support them so they can be good tenants and neighbours. We keep in touch with you so you know what’s happening and are just a phone call away if you need to talk.
Best of all, you can make a real difference to homelessness in Wellington. This is a mutually-beneficial opportunity with the potential to transform lives.
Our Property Procurement Officer Shaun Monaghan would love to hear from you - call him on 022 648 5459 or contact by email.