Housing First is a proven, internationally recognised approach to house and support people with a long history of homelessness.
Housing First is a “Whatever it takes” approach that focusses on quickly moving people from homelessness into housing then providing wrap around support.
Warm, safe, affordable housing that fits the needs of each person is key, along with regular home visits, to ensure people sustain their tenancy.
The benefits include increased housing stability and a dramatically improved wellbeing and quality of life for people.
Read more about Housing First on the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development website.
Housing First is for those people who have been experiencing homelessness for 12 months or more, who have been sleeping rough, and who may have multiple and complex needs. If you would like to discuss if someone meets the criteria and may be suitable for the Housing First service, please contact us.
“If it wasn’t for DCM, I’d still be on the streets. I have my own place now, thanks to them. It’s not my car, it’s not someone else’s couch or a boarding house. It’s MY home.”
— Peter’s story